Technical Details

All images were taken using a Mamiya-7 6x7 medium format film camera.  Color images were shot using Fuji Velvia 100f, RVP 100, or Provia 100.  Final show images will be archival inkjet on Pictorico Hi-Gloss White Film paper.  Finished print sizes will be 8 3/4" x 13 3/8" or 13 3/8" x 8 3/4".

Percent Complete

45% (45 of 100 famous places)

100 Famous Views

Below are the images selected by each volunteer/participant followed by their initial request.

#23 Mission San Juan Capistrano (Randi)

Click on Picture to Enlarge
Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded in 1776 and is a shining example of the history of our county. It is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved missions in California. It's a living piece of history and has grown to be the heartbeat of San Juan Capistrano.

Visiting the Mission is a truly relaxing and enjoyable day. They've recently added an audio tour so you have the option of all the information you ever wanted or a quiet walk in the garden amidst the ruins of the great stone church. You can find painters and photographers on the Mission grounds constantly and it is a favorite location to have wedding pictures taken. The second Saturday of each month is living history day and the Mission grounds are full of reinactors

When we first moved to San Juan Capistrano seven years ago, I found it quite strange that the community center seemed to be the Mission. Especially being an atheist. But I have come to love the Mission as much as anyone else in our little town. Its director is one of the most dynamic people I have ever met. The mission staff goes out of their way to try and help and support the community. There is something going on at the Mission for everyone and as soon as you step through that gate, you are in a world of wonder.  

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